I listen for the Whisper of the Silent One.
Underneath it all
Underneath the underneath
Way beyond dark and light
Way beyond all the stories of humanity
Is the ancient wisdom
La Memoria
The Great Mother
Ancestors Spirits whisper
Be still
Listen carefully
There is Great wisdom for you
If you reach through the darkness
You enter the sacred realm of the Soul
A mystical journey
The old lady that is silent
The shamanic woman inside all of us
Men and women
You just Sit with her
Nothing to say
All the answers flow to you
Suddenly everything makes sense
The questions dissolve
You just are.
And you Know who you are
Beyond doubts and fears
There’s a knowing
You came here for a reason
To remember
And then to just BE that.
It’s so very easy my Love
Everytime you forget
You come back to me
Promise to come back HOME.
And so the moments of wandering and getting lost become shorter and shorter. We return quicker and quicker. We stay awake a little bit more. We are even awake in the sleeping.
My Earth friend
If you need a reminder, a little nodge of love and faith on this scary path.
You are so welcome.
I’ll sing songs for you
I’ll guide you through gentle meditations
I’ll touch your soul
I’ll kiss your heart.
Just as She kisses me.
More and more..
Listen to the song
Sit with a tree
Drink some tea
Sleep a lot
Feel and cry
Rest in being for now
All is well.
All shall happen in Divine Timing love
Nothin to worry about
Nothing to fix
Just rest…
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